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The Pemberton area is home to hundreds of spectacular wildflower species and is a great base to discover over 75 species of orchids from 22 genera. Our Pemberton Discovery Tours have been operating wildflower tours since 2000 years - and we tend to see a lot of different species mainly due to the diverse country the tours travel through.


After millions of years of denudation and weathering, our soils are generally nutrient-poor and so many of our plants have evolved to adapt to the specific conditions found in this region – giving us a high degree of endemism and biodiversity.


Our wildflower season reaches its peak in October when our temperatures rise but wildflowers can be found most the year, particularly from September to December and once flowering, many species continue to flower for months at a time.


In July & August:


We find:

  • Helmet Orchids (Corybas recurvus),

  • Banded Greenhoods (Pterostylis vittata),

  • Snail Orchids (Pterostylis species),

  • Midge Orchids (Cyrtostylis huegelii),

  • Basket Flower (Adenanthos obovatus),

  • some Wattles (Acacia species),

  • Bearded Heaths (Leucopogon species),

  • Cutleaf Hibbertia (Hibbertia cuneiformis),

  • Foxtails (Andersonia caerulea),

  • Native Wisteria (Hardenbergia comptoniana) 

  • Tree Hovea (Hovea elliptica) start to flower.


  • White Clematis (Clematis pubescens),

  • Sundews (Drosera species)

  • Coral Vine (Kennedia coccinea) shoots emerge from the ground, ready to flower in spring.


We highly recommend the Kwongan Foundation research that Hans Lambert (UWA) is working on. If you are interested in our flora definitely look him up!

Wildflower Spotting!

With many wildflowers endemic to the South West Corner, this list will help you keep on track!  



Well it will when I find it... - watch this space :o)


Apps & Websites that you may be interested in : – 


Australian Wildflowers App (Victorian

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